Why are Boundaries Important?
Without boundaries, we make others a priority over ourselves.
Boundaries crossed = Triggered emotions
Creates negative reaction to ourselves
Setting and Creating Boundaries can be challenging. In Mindset Warrior, I've created a mini-course for creating boundaries that you can take RIGHT NOW! so you can start creating - AND LIVING BY - your new boundaries today.
Tune into your needs and become confident in your decisions for becoming a better you and living a purposeful life.
In this course:
Build your Self Confidence by creating and keeping firm boundaries supporting your mental health.
- Learn how boundaries create chaos in your life.
- Understand how your Foundation of Strength
- Resolve Unconscious Fears where it relates to creating boundaries
- Access to my Let it Go so You Can Grow! Techniques throughout the program.
- Identifying core issues within boundary areas
- Build YOUR boundaries to live by!
- Create a Boundary Vision Board
7 Lessons
Video coaching
Daily exercise prompts throughout the course
Boundaries to LIVE By! Workbook
Downloadable Mindset Techniques
All access pass to the course! No course expiration.
Work at your own pace.